I Should Write a Blog

I've been posting to Facebook with some frequency the past few weeks, my latest post drew a casual comment about "thanks for the blog" and then my daughter chimed in with a "you should write a blog."

This is my first attempt, playing with the google blogger tools to see what I see. This is very much a work in progress, well really more of an experiment, to see what I shall see.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Stone Tower Glenn Renaissance Faire

Daughters of Epona Perform at 11th Annual Faire, June 28-29, 2014

The "Daughters" my daughter, Shannon, her friend Marissa riding their horses, Aiden and Dolly, respectively.  Joined by one of Marissa's equine students as their squire for the performance.

The performing company, Medieval Fantasies Company, has been doing this for eleven years.  This was Daughters of Epona's second appeiarance with the company, having done well enough at their initial performance to be invited back to join the Company, and even having their expenses paid, or partially paid to be more accurate.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Dead Dryer with Troubleshooting Guide INSIDE

We're getting set to move in a couple of weeks and our Dryer decides it's a good time to quit.  After all, we only have tons of things wanting washed as we prepare.  Never fear, I place a call to my fav appliance repair man and leave him a message.  He calls back, from Wyoming, where he's on vacation.  That's not going to work, so I opt to try some DIY, hoping I'm physically up for the challenge (still working on recovery to pre-crisis level).